Social & Environmental Responsibility

Looking After People & The Environment.


At Carl`s Carpentry & Maintenance Service Ltd we believe in the importance of looking after people and the environment. Simply put, we value our workforce, customers, local community, and the environment over profits. What makes us happy is when our small team of staff is looking forward to coming to work knowing that they are valued and respected who they are and how they work. Having a good relationship with our staff not only increases motivation and productivity, but it also makes the world a better place to live. We always offer training to our staff and regularly hire apprentices to help to develop a highly skilled and qualified workforce. Happy staff equals happy customers, it`s that simple!

We regularly give back to the community by donating to local causes that make a difference to local people and their surroundings. Our staff get involved in various volunteering days that benefit local people and the environment. We especially love getting our hands mucky by getting involved with tree planting and forest restoration.

We take our responsibility to the environment seriously and we are working very hard towards reducing our carbon footprint. We are committed to becoming carbon free in the next five years. To show gratitude to our Mother Nature, we plant a tree with every job we complete with The International Tree Foundation. For more green pledges, see our Climate Positive Strategy.